

Extends unittest to provide more information to the test consumer on test failure.


An extension of unittest.TestCase.


An extension of marbles.core.TestCase.


Extends AssertionError to accept and display additiona information beyond the static msg parameter provided by unittest assertions.



marbles can log information about each assertion called.


The AssertionLogger logs json about each assertion.

Extends unittest to provide more information to the test consumer on test failure. This additional information includes local variables defined within the test at the time it failed, the full assertion statement that failed, and a free-form annotation provided by the test author. This additional information helps test consumers respond to test failures without digging into the test code themselves.

To get this additional information in your tests, you can inherit from marbles.core.TestCase anywhere you would normally inherit from unittest.TestCase. By simply inheriting from marbles.core.TestCase instead, your test failures will include the full assertion statement that failed and any local variables in scope at the time the test failed.

Assertions on a marbles.core.TestCase also accept an optional note string that will be exposed to the test consumer on test failure. This annotation can contain whatever the test author feels is important, but it is especially useful for communicating their intent and any relevant context about the test. This annotation can be a format string that will be expanded with local variables if/when the test fails.

You can also inherit from marbles.core.AnnotatedTestCase. The only difference is that, if you inherit from marbles.core.AnnotatedTestCase, you must provide note annotations to all assertions. Calling an assertion without the note parameter on a marbles.core.AnnotatedTestCase will produce a marbles.core.AnnotationError.

class marbles.core.AnnotatedTestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

An extension of marbles.core.TestCase.

An AnnotatedTestCase is only different from a marbles.core.TestCase in that it enforces that note is provided for every assertion. Calling an assertion without the note parameter on a marbles.core.AnnotatedTestCase will produce a marbles.core.AnnotationError.

For other details, see marbles.core.TestCase.

exception marbles.core.ContextualAssertionError(*args)[source]

Extends AssertionError to accept and display additiona information beyond the static msg parameter provided by unittest assertions.

This additional information includes the full assertion statement that failed and any local variables in scope at the time the test failed.

This additional information may also include a note string that can explain the intent of the test, provide any relevant context, and/or describe what to do if/when the assertion fails. This string is formatted with the local context where the assertion error is raised.

property locals

A dict containing the locals defined within the test.

property public_test_locals

A dict containing the public (a.k.a., not internal or name-mangled) locals defined within the test.

property assert_stmt

Returns a string displaying the whole statement that failed, with a ‘>’ indicator on the line starting the expression.

class marbles.core.TestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

An extension of unittest.TestCase.

Failure messages from marbles.core.TestCase tests contain more information than unittest.TestCase tests, including local variables defined within the test at the time the test failed and the full assertion statement that failed.

All assert statements, e.g., unittest.TestCase.assertEqual(), in addition to accepting the optional final string parameter msg, also accept a free-form note annotation provided by the test author. This annotation can contain whatever the test author feels is important, but it is especially useful for communicating their intent and any relevant context about the test that will help the test consumer understand and debug the failure. For example, this annotation can be used to provide context on a specific edge case that a test exercises, without sacrificing the msg or trying to embed that context into the test method name.

The note string, if provided, is formatted with str.format() given the local variables defined within the test itself.


import requests
import marbles.core

    def put(cls, endpoint, data=None):
        return Response(status_code=409,
                        reason=('The request could not be completed '
                                'due to a conflict with the current '
                                'state of the target resource.'))

class ResponseTestCase(marbles.core.TestCase):

    def test_create_resource(self):
        endpoint = ''
        data = {'id': 1, 'name': 'Little Bobby Tables'}

        res = requests.put(endpoint, data=data)

alias of ContextualAssertionError


Main method for marbles.

With unittest, you can run python -m unittest to discover and run your tests.

With marbles, you can run python -m marbles to discover and run them, but with marbles-style assertion failure messages, including local variables and additional source code scope.

class marbles.core.main.MarblesTestResult(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A TestResult which omits the traceback.

Because marbles failure messages contain all of the information included in a normal unit test traceback, we can hide the traceback to make failure messages easier to read without losing any information. Here, we remove the traceback from the failure message, unless the user has asked for verbose output.

class marbles.core.main.MarblesTestRunner(stream=None, descriptions=True, verbosity=1, failfast=False, buffer=False, resultclass=None, warnings=None, *, tb_locals=False)[source]

A TestRunner which uses marbles-style assertion failure messages.


alias of MarblesTestResult


marbles can log information about each assertion called.

If configured, the marbles.core.log.logger will log a json object for each assertion and its success or failure, as well as any other attributes of interest specified by the test author.

The captured information includes the assertion’s args and kwargs, msg, note, local variables (for failed assertions, and also for passing assertions if verbose logging is turned on), and the result of the assertion.

Configuration is handled via the environment variables MARBLES_LOGFILE, MARBLES_TEST_CASE_ATTRS, MARBLES_TEST_CASE_ATTRS_VERBOSE, MARBLES_LOG_VERBOSE, or via the AssertionLogger.configure() method. Environment variables override those set with the configure() method, so if a marbles program configures these programmatically, they can always be overridden without changing the program.

Note that AssertionLogger should not be instantiated directly; instead, test authors should import and configure the marbles.core.log.logger as needed.

class marbles.core.log.AssertionLogger[source]

The AssertionLogger logs json about each assertion.

This module exposes a single AssertionLogger, marbles.core.log.logger, that is used during a marbles test run. It can be configured with configure() before running the tests or via environment variables.


import marbles.core
from marbles.core import log

if __name__ == '__main__':
                         attrs=['filename', 'date'])


If you configure logging within an if __name__ == '__main__', block (as opposed to via environment variables), you must run your tests with python /path/to/ If you run your tests with python -m marbles, the if __name__ == '__main__' block won’t get executed and the logger won’t get configured.


Configure what assertion logging is done.

Settings configured with this method are overridden by environment variables.

  • logfile (str or bytes or file object) – If a string or bytes object, we write to that filename. If an open file object, we just write to it. If None, disable logging. If we open the file, we open it in 'w' mode, so any contents will be overwritten.

  • attrs (list of str) – Capture these attributes on the TestCase being run when logging an assertion. For example, if you are testing multiple resources, make sure the resource name is a member of your TestCase, and configure marbles logging with that name. These are only captured on failure.

  • verbose_attrs (list of str) – Similar to attrs, but these attrs are captured even on success.

  • verbose (bool or list of str) – Fields (within the set {msg, note, locals}) to capture even when the test is successful. By default, those three fields are only captured on failure.