Maintainer’s Guide

This page documents some common workflows for maintaining marbles. Most of these are also useful when developing marbles.


Marbles comes with a requirements/dev.txt file you can use to create a virtualenv for developing. To get started, just install from this requirements file in a virtualenv:

$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt


If you’re using our VS Code devcontainer, you can skip this step: all the tools you need will be installed by default in your environment.

Adding new packages

You can tentatively add packages to your environment as normal, with pip install. These will only affect your own environment, but you can try them out by running python -m unittests discover ... to see if they work.

When you’re ready to commit to using them, add them to the appropriate *.in file in requirements/, or if they’re going to be new runtime dependencies, either marbles/core/setup.cfg or marbles/mixins/setup.cfg. Then resolve them to concrete dependencies with:

$ nox -s pip_compile

This will make those new dependencies available to the nox environments. More on nox below.

After this, add and commit all requirements/*.txt and */requirements.txt files and include them in your pull request.


You can lint the code with flake8:

$ nox -s flake8


You can run the tests for either marbles.core or marbles.mixins separately, in either subpackage’s directory:

$ python -m unittest discover tests

You can run all the tests with nox:

$ nox -s test


Since the marbles tests are split across the subpackages, checking coverage isn’t very straightforward, but we’ve configured nox to do it for you:

$ nox -s coverage

If you want to look at the source code annotated with coverage metrics, this produces an HTML report you can view. You can serve it locally:

$ nox -s serve_coverage


You can build the docs and view them locally:

$ nox -s docs

Similarly, you can serve them for local viewing:

$ nox -s serve_docs

Automation with nox

We use nox to run continuous integration builds for multiple versions of Python and on multiple platforms in GitHub Actions, and to run each piece of our continuous integration in a separate virtualenv. You can do this locally too, to make sure your change will build cleanly.

We’ve configured nox to be able to:

  1. Run all the tests with Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12

  2. Measure and report on code coverage

  3. Lint the code with flake8

  4. Build the documentation

If you just run nox by itself, it will run tests and linting, each in its own virtualenv:

$ nox

You can also run a subset of these with -s:

$ nox -s docs
$ nox -s test-3.9
$ nox -s flake8 coverage-3.9

VS Code Tasks

We provide several VS Code tasks that can run common things you’ll want to run while developing.

Maintaining the Changelog

The marbles Changelog is maintained by the Sphinx plugin releases, and its source is in docs/changelog.rst.

Most pull requests should add an item to the changelog, at the top, either a bug, feature, or support note.


releases is clear about the distinction between bugs and other release notes. Bugs are included in the next patch version that appears above them, while features aren’t included until the next major or minor version above them. The decision of whether to note a change as a bug, feature, or support item will affect where it appears in the log, though this can be controlled with the keywords major (put bugs in the next major or minor release), and backported (put features in the next bugfix release).

See Release organization for details.

Right before releasing a new version of marbles, add a release item to the top of the changelog noting the version string and release date, then follow the below instructions on Releasing a new version.

Releasing a new version

The marbles meta-package and subpackage version strings are stored in a few different locations, due to the namespace package setup:

  1. setup.cfg

  2. marbles/core/marbles/core/VERSION

  3. marbles/mixins/marbles/mixins/VERSION

In addition, when we bump the version, we do so in an isolated commit, and tag that commit with the version number as well.


Make sure you’ve groomed the Changelog before tagging a new release. See Maintaining the Changelog for details.

We use bump2version to automate this. To run bump2version, you need to be in a clean git tree (don’t worry, it will complain to you if that’s not the case).

You can increase either the major, minor, or patch version:

$ nox -s bumpversion -- major
$ nox -s bumpversion -- minor
$ nox -s bumpversion -- patch

This will update the version strings in all the above files and commit that change, but won’t tag it. You should create a pull request for the version update, merge it (without squashing it into other commits), and then tag it once it’s on the main branch:

You can read a digression about why we bump all the versions at the same time below, in Versioning philosophy.

Uploading to PyPI

Once you’ve tagged the latest version of marbles, pull from GitHub to make sure your clone is up to date and clean, build both sdist and wheel packages for all three packages, and upload them with twine. We have nox sessions to automate building and uploading:

$ nox -s package
$ nox -s upload

Versioning philosophy

Marbles publishes two subpackages, marbles.core and marbles.mixins, and a metapackage depending on both, marbles. This allows users to install or depend on only one of the subpackages, and also suggests that anyone can publish their own mixins package.

This raises the question of how to version each of these three packages.

  1. Release new versions of marbles.core and marbles.mixins independently, and have the marbles package basically only ever have one release, 1.0.0, since it doesn’t actually change over time.

  2. Give the marbles package a new version each time either subpackage gets one, to make it feel like we’re moving forward.

  3. Release all three packages with the same version string each time any of them gets a new release.

Jupyter takes the first approach, but keep in mind that Jupyter is a much larger project with distinct teams working on each component, so allowing subpackages to have independent release schedules makes more sense for that community.

The second approach has the problem that if we release the subpackages independently, it’s unclear how to version the metapackage when that happens. Taking the max of the subpackage version strings doesn’t work if the subpackage with a lower one gets an update by itself. There are a couple other possiblities here, but none of them seemed right.

The third approach, updating everything in lock-step, is what we’ve chosen. This will create multiple versions of one or the other package that are identical, in some cases, which is a little odd. However, it has the benefit of documenting which versions of marbles.core and marbles.mixins were reviewed and tested together and therefore can be expected to work together. It still allows users to install (and update) them independently, but encourages users of both to update them together.